HSRC’s Senior Research Scientist pays courtesy call to Riara University’s Vice Chancellor
One of the leading African researchers, Dr. Shingirirai Mutanga from the Human Science Research Council (HSRC)/African Institute in South Africa, paid a courtesy call to the Riara University’s Vice Chancellor, Prof. Robert Gateru on 11th July 2017.Located in Pretoria, South Africa, HSRC conducts large-scale policy oriented, and socio-scientific research in contribution to socio-economic development of South Africa, SADC region and Africa at large.The visit was organized by the Department of International Relations and Diplomacy (DIRD) in line with Riara University’s national, regional and global collaboration efforts in research and scholarship. The meeting was a unique platform paving the way for future cooperation between Riara University and HSRC. Students of International Relations and Diplomacy and faculty members had an opportunity to intellectually engage Dr. Mutanga, who encouraged students to set their career goals and work hard towards achieving them. While addressing IRD students, Dr. Mutanga reminded them of enormous opportunities for further studies on the African continent and beyond and that only hard-working, focused and committed students can tap from such infinitive opportunities.
The VC thanked Dr. Mutanga for visiting Riara University out of his busy schedule in Nairobi, and took the opportunity to assure him of a long-lasting cooperation between the two institutions. The Vice Chancellor added that the University plans to internationalize its strategy and operations and that the visit was timely and a clear indication of the opportunities for cooperation with HSRC.The VC observed that, ‘Riara University continues to position itself as a Center of Excellence in human resource development aiming to serve the global labour market’.
He added that, given the research focus of HSRC, it will be rewarding to strengthen collaboration between the two institutions, as this will ensure our students obtain quality education, strengthen teaching pedagogy, place students at the driving seat and eventually prepare our graduates for the dynamic labour market.
Among others, the meeting generated the following important recommendations as part of framework of cooperation:
• Opportunities for Riara University students’ participation in the young scholars conference organized annually in South Africa; this will enhance capacity of students in their academic and professional development;
• The annual African Unity for Renaissance Conference organized by HSRC is available for senior scholars in social sciences;
• Open collaboration in emerging thematic areas such as energy sector; possibilities of joint project in clean energy technologies; and
• Availing academic publications within the framework of cooperation between HSRC and Riara University.