- Onditi, Francis and Josephine Odera. (2021). Understanding Violence against women in Africa: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Gender Studies Series. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Onditi, Francis and Narnia Bohler-Muller. (forth-coming). Gender and mining policy in Africa: Sustainability and Strategic Response to inequalities. Social Science & Humanities Series. Gateway East, Singapore: Springer Nature.
- Onditi, Francis, Gilad Bennun, Edmund Were and Israel Nyadera. (2021). Reimaging security community: Systems thinking approach for Africa. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Onditi, Francis and Douglas Yates (eds). 2020. Illusions of Location theory: Consequences for Blue Economy in Africa. Vernon publishers. Delaware. US.
- Onditi Francis. 2020. Conflictology: Systems, Institutions and Mechanisms in Africa. Lexington books.
- Onditi, F., Ben Nun, G., D’ Alessandro, C., and Levey, Z (eds). 2019. Contemporary Africa and the foreseeable world order (Rowman and Littlefield).
- Technologizing Infrastructure for Peace in the Context of Fourth Industrial Revolution. http://repository.riarauniversity.ac.ke:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1004
- Francis Onditi. (forth-coming). The ‘Invisible Force’ in the Downfall of the African Standby Force.
- Francis Onditi. (forth-coming). Developing Social Pendulum Theory of Access to Explain the Changing Urban Geography. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Change.
- Francis Onditi. (forth-coming). The Changing Change of Masculinity in the Conflict Prevalent Congolese Society. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Change
- Francis Onditi. (2021). Political discourses and regional (dis)integration: Comparing narratives from global south and north. In WS. Nasongo. African Governance, Security and Development. Lexington Books.
- Francis Onditi (forth-coming). Sources of complex mixed wars in post-CPA South Sudan. In GK Kieh & KA Kalu. The South Sudanese civil war.
- Francis Onditi. (2021). Conflict resolution and freedom in Africa. In KA Kalu & GK Kieh. Peacebuilding in Africa: The post-conflict states and its multidimensional crises. Lexington Books.
- Onditi, Francis, and Robert Gateru. 2020. Technologizing infrastructure for peace in the context of fourth industrial revolution. In: W. Doorsamy, B.S. Paul and T. Marwala. The disruptive fourth industrial revolution: Technology, society and beyond. Springer.
- Onditi, Francis. 2020. Africa requires the social and solidarity economic model to drive its development trajectory. In: T. Simelane, L.R. Managa and M. Muchie, Poverty alleviation pathways for achieving Sustainable Development Goals in Africa. Human Sciences Research Council. Pretoria.
- Onditi, Francis. 2019. French-Africa Changing Foreign and Security Policy: Real Change or Diplomatic Propaganda? In: N.C. Check, K. Adar and A. Wingo, France’s Africa Relations: Domination, Continuity and Contradiction. Africa Institute of South Africa.
- Onditi, Francis. 2019. How organized hypocrisy within the Standby Force is pulling African institutions from the global influence; In: F. Onditi, G. Ben-Nun, C. Alessandro and Z. Levy, Contemporary Africa and the Foreseeable world order (Rowman and Littlefield, New York and London).
- Onditi, Francis. 2019. The making of gender diplomacy as a foreign policy pillar in Kenya and Namibia. In: F. Onditi, G. Ben-Nun, C. Alessandro and Z. Levy, Contemporary Africa and the Foreseeable world order (Rowman and Littlefield, New York and London).
- Onditi, Francis and Josephine Odera. 2017. Gender equality as a means to women empowerment? Consensus, challenges and prospects for post-2015 development agenda: In: C. D’Alessandro and C. Zulu. From the Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Routledge.
- Onditi, Francis and Abu B. Bah. 2017 (ed.) Emerging ˜Positive Masculinity in DR Congo: An indication of African Renaissance or Symptoms of Covert Gender Inequalities In: Vuyile Msila, Decolonizing knowledge for Africa’s renewal: Indigenous perspectives and theories. Sun Press, South Africa.
- Onditi, Francis. 2017. “African national anthem: Normative power, land and foreign domination” In: T.V. Warikandwa et al. Transnational land grabs and restitution in an agen of the (De-) militarized new scramble for African (Langa Research and Publication Group, Mankon, Bamenda).
- Onditi, F., and Guillaume, L. (2014). Assessment of Knowledge Attitude and Behavioral Change among Security and Defense Forces: Experiences and Lessons from East, West and Central Africa, International Bureau for Children’s Rights, Montreal, Canada, Vol. 1.
- Onditi, F., Guillaume, L. (2004). Child Protection in the African Union Peace Support Operations: Contextual Analysis, International Bureau for Children’s Rights (IBCR), Montreal, Canada, Vol. 1.
- Onditi, F (2011) Multiple Livelihood-Conflict Triggers among Border Communities in Eastern Africa-the Case of South Sudan: A New Framework for Conflict Analysis, International Peace Support Training Centre (IPSTC), Occasional Paper Series 2, No. 1, Nairobi.
- Onditi, F (2011) Human Security Intricacies in Post-Conflict States: Crafting Reconstruction Approaches for South Sudan and Similar Challenges in Africa: IPSTC Policy Brief, Vol. 1, Issue No. 5.
- Onditi, F (2010) Development or Security? The Dilemma of Policy Prioritization, Institutional Coordination and Sequencing of Integration in East African Community (EAC). IPSTC Occasional Paper Series.
- Onditi, F (2011) “Human Security Intricacies in Post-Conflict State-South Sudan: Crafting Reconstruction Approaches for Similar Challenges in Africa, IPSTC Policy Brief.
- Onditi, F (2010) “AFRICAN UNION’S 2010 YEAR OF PEACE AND SECURITY IN AFRICA” What are the Challenges, Threats, Opportunities and Prospects for African Union Mission in Somalia. IPSTC Policy Brief.
- Onditi, F (2010) Regional Security Verses the EAC Common Market; Thinking Beyond Economic Value of the Borderless Community.
- Onditi, F (2010) Towards Quality Assurance in Peace Support Operation; A Teaser for Peacekeeping Training Institutions. IPSTC Policy Brief.
- Onditi, F (2010) The Forgotten Parameter: Weaving the East African Border Management Service Providers in Security Sector
- Gender equality as a means to women empowerment? Consensus, challenges and prospects for post-2015 development agenda in Africa. http://repository.riarauniversity.ac.ke:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/598
- Onditi, Francis. (guest editor) (forth-coming). Introduction to the special issue. The 2018 R-ARCSS: A Human Security Perspective. African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review, 11, no. 2.
- Onditi, Francis. (2021). What is dominatarian about the dominatarian theory in the regional integration? Journal of International Relations 13 (1): 79-94.
- Onditi, Francis, Israel Nyadera, Moses Obimbo, Samson Muchina. (2021). How urban informality can inform response to pandemics (COVID-19): A research agenda for the future. History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (6).
- Onditi, F., Nyadera, I.N., Obimbo, M.M. et al. 2021. How urban ‘informality’ can inform response to COVID-19: a research agenda for the future. HPLS 43, 6 (2021).
- Nyadera, I.N, Onditi, F, M.M. Obimbo & S.M. Kinyanjui. 2021 "Policy and research frame of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic: reflections on urban informality." Global Health Journal (2021).
- Onditi, Francis. (2021). Dominatarian theory of regional integration. Insight on Africa: African Studies Association of India.
- Onditi, Francis, Moses Obimbo, Samson Muchina & Israel Nyadera. 2020. Modeling a pandemic (COVID-19) management strategy for urban slums using social geometry framework. European Journal of Development Research. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41287-020-00317-5.
- Onditi, Francis. "Introducing RICAAF as a new model for managing the proliferation of actors in Africa’s peace operation." Africa Insight 49.3 (2019): 72-87.
- Nyadera, Israel, and Francis Onditi. 2020. COVID-19 experiences among slum dwellers in Nairobi: A double tragedy or useful lessons for public health reforms? International Social Work. 0020872820944997.
- Onditi, Francis, Douglas Yates, and Narnia Bohler-Muller. "New Book: Ideas and Actionable Steps for Scaling Africa’s Blue Economy Strategy." The Thinker 87.2 (2021): 76-81.
- Onditi, Francis.2020. "How to Frame a Resilient E-Learning Strategy During & Post-COVID-19." African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development 20.6: 1-6.
- Onditi, Francis. "Numerical strength." A NEW DAWN, HOPEFULLY? 68.
- Onditi, Francis. 2020. “New possibilities for a peaceful digital society in violence prevalent geographies.” Journal of Peacebuilding & Development: https://doi.org/10.1177/1542316620958673.
- Hendricks, Cheryl and Francis Onditi (eds). 2019. Editorial: “In search of alternative approaches to conflict management in Africa.” Africa Insight 49 (3).
- Onditi, Francis. 2019. “Introducing RICAAF as a new model for managing the proliferation of actors in Africa’s peace operation.” Africa Insight 49 (3): 72-87.
- Nyadera, Israel and Francis Onditi. (2020). Brief Note: “COVID-19 experiences among slum dwellers in Nairobi: A double tragedy or useful lessons for public health reforms.” International Social Work. Sage.
- Onditi, Francis. 2019. From resource curse to institutional incompatibility: a comparative study of Nigeria and Norway oil resource governance. African Review, pp. 1-20.
- Onditi, Francis and Shadrack, M.S. 2019. Why African states may be at war with each other in 2063. Fourth Industrial Revolution: The Thinker: A Pan-African
- Quarterly for Thought Leaders, Vol. 74, Q4. A Publication of the University of Johannesburg, South Africa.
- Onditi, Francis. 2019. The dry valley. Black Bodies and Minds 44. Onditi, F., Sabala, K., & Wassara, S. 2018. Power-sharing consociationalism in resolving South Sudan’s ethnopolitical conflict in the post-CPA era. African Journal on Conflict Resolution, 18 (1): pp. 37-64.
- Torkelsson, Asa and F. Onditi. 2018. Addressing gender gaps in agricultural productivity in Africa: Comparative case studies from Tanzania, Malawi and Uganda. Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy 9 (1): 34-57.
- Onditi, Francis. 2018. Multidimensionalism or militarism? A decade of experimentation in African peace support operations. African Solution (AfSol) Journal 2: 24.
- Onditi, Francis. 2018. Women’s empowerment: Reflection on Gumede’s conception of thought leadership in Africa. Journal of African Transformation, 81.
- Onditi, Francis. 2018. African national anthems: Their value system and normative potential. African Area Studies, Kyoto University.
- Onditi, Francis. 2017. The power-sharing enigma in South Sudan: Governance and policy advise to President Salva Kiir and Dr. Riek Machar. Journal of International and Global Studies 8. 2.
- Onditi, Francis & Cristina D’ Alessandro, 2017, ‘The need for “a good enough territorial and economic governance” in South Sudan’. Journal of Sustainable Development Law & Policy, Vol. 8. No. 2, pp. 1-25.: Available at: https://www.ogeesinstitute.edu.ng/volume-8-issue-2-2017.
- Onditi, Francis. 2017. Book Review: Diamond, Larry & Plattner, Mark, F (eds.). “Democracy in decline?” 2715 North Charles Street, Baltimore Maryland; Johns Hopkins University Press, 2015. +144 pages (paper). Reference. ISBN:978142142216. African Journal of Democracy & Governance, Vol. 4. Nos 1& 2: 222-225.
- Onditi, Francis. 2017. “Transformative thought leadership among women in Kenya.” The Thinker: A Pan-African Quarterly for Thought Leaders, Vol. 74, Q4, 2017. A Publication of the University of Johannesburg, South Africa.
- Onditi, Francis and Godfrey P. Okoth. 2017. Politics of African Peace Support Operation Architecture: What next post-2015 African Standby Force? African Studies 76: 4. Routledge: Available at: http://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/gdImsMEI7hi7TMeuYxMm/full.
- Nic Cheeseman, Francis Onditi & Cristina D’ Alessandro, 2017, “Introduction to the Special Issue: Women, leadership and peace in Africa.” African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review, 7 (1): 1-17: Published by Indiana University. Press: http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.2979/africonfpeacrevi.7.1.01.
- Onditi, Francis and Josephine Odera. 2017. Gender equality as a means to women empowerment? Consensus, challenges and prospects for post-2015 development agenda in Africa African Geographical Review 36.2:146-167, DOI: 10.1080/19376812.2016.1185737: Link: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/19376812.2016.1185737: Published in Association with the American Association of Geographers.
- Onditi, Francis and Godfrey P. Okoth. 2016. Civil-Military Relations and the African Standby Forces Multidimensionalism, Journal of African Conflicts and Peace Studies 3.1: 1-28. Published by the University of South Florida, U.S and University of Rwanda. Available at: http://scholarcommons.usf.edu/jacaps/vol3/iss1/3.
- Onditi, Francis, Godfrey P. Okoth and Frank K. Matanga. 2016. The Quest for a Multidimensional African Standby Force. African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review 6. 1 (Spring 2016): 69-88: Published by: Indiana University Press: DOI:10.2979/africonfpeacrevi.6.1.04.
- Onditi, Francis. 2012. Human rights violations in South Sudan: Observers: Obligation beyond borders. A Journal on Threatened Human Rights Defenders in Philippines 5.1:26-29.
- Onditi, Francis and Shadrack Kithiia. 2009. Livelihood-Conservation Scorecard Balancing: Sustainable or Dispensable? Access to Natural Resource and Policy Implications in East Africa. International Journal of Social Sciences 1.1Prof. Francis Onditi PublicationnsOnditi, Francis. (guest editor) (forth-coming). Introduction to the special issue. The 2018 R-ARCSS: A Human Security Perspective. African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review, 11, no. 2.
- Onditi, Francis. (2021). What is dominatarian about the dominatarian theory in the regional integration? Journal of International Relations 13 (1): 79-94.
- Onditi, Francis, Israel Nyadera, Moses Obimbo, Samson Muchina. (2021). How urban informality can inform response to pandemics (COVID-19): A research agenda for the future. History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (6).
- Onditi, F., Nyadera, I.N., Obimbo, M.M. et al. 2021. How urban ‘informality’ can inform response to COVID-19: a research agenda for the future. HPLS 43, 6 (2021).
- Nyadera, I.N, Onditi, F, M.M. Obimbo & S.M. Kinyanjui. 2021 "Policy and research frame of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic: reflections on urban informality." Global Health Journal (2021).
- Onditi, Francis. (2021). Dominatarian theory of regional integration. Insight on Africa: African Studies Association of India.
- Onditi, Francis, Moses Obimbo, Samson Muchina & Israel Nyadera. 2020. Modeling a pandemic (COVID-19) management strategy for urban slums using social geometry framework. European Journal of Development Research. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41287-020-00317-5.
- Onditi, Francis. "Introducing RICAAF as a new model for managing the proliferation of actors in Africa’s peace operation." Africa Insight 49.3 (2019): 72-87.
- Nyadera, Israel, and Francis Onditi. 2020. COVID-19 experiences among slum dwellers in Nairobi: A double tragedy or useful lessons for public health reforms? International Social Work. 0020872820944997.
- Onditi, Francis, Douglas Yates, and Narnia Bohler-Muller. "New Book: Ideas and Actionable Steps for Scaling Africa’s Blue Economy Strategy." The Thinker 87.2 (2021): 76-81.
- Onditi, Francis.2020. "How to Frame a Resilient E-Learning Strategy During & Post-COVID-19." African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development 20.6: 1-6.
- Onditi, Francis. "Numerical strength." A NEW DAWN, HOPEFULLY? 68.
- Onditi, Francis. 2020. “New possibilities for a peaceful digital society in violence prevalent geographies.” Journal of Peacebuilding & Development: https://doi.org/10.1177/1542316620958673.
- Hendricks, Cheryl and Francis Onditi (eds). 2019. Editorial: “In search of alternative approaches to conflict management in Africa.” Africa Insight 49 (3).
- Onditi, Francis. 2019. “Introducing RICAAF as a new model for managing the proliferation of actors in Africa’s peace operation.” Africa Insight 49 (3): 72-87.
- Nyadera, Israel and Francis Onditi. (2020). Brief Note: “COVID-19 experiences among slum dwellers in Nairobi: A double tragedy or useful lessons for public health reforms.” International Social Work. Sage.
- Onditi, Francis. 2019. From resource curse to institutional incompatibility: a comparative study of Nigeria and Norway oil resource governance. African Review, pp. 1-20.
- Onditi, Francis and Shadrack, M.S. 2019. Why African states may be at war with each other in 2063. Fourth Industrial Revolution: The Thinker: A Pan-African
- Quarterly for Thought Leaders, Vol. 74, Q4. A Publication of the University of Johannesburg, South Africa.
- Onditi, Francis. 2019. The dry valley. Black Bodies and Minds 44. Onditi, F., Sabala, K., & Wassara, S. 2018. Power-sharing consociationalism in resolving South Sudan’s ethnopolitical conflict in the post-CPA era. African Journal on Conflict Resolution, 18 (1): pp. 37-64.
- Torkelsson, Asa and F. Onditi. 2018. Addressing gender gaps in agricultural productivity in Africa: Comparative case studies from Tanzania, Malawi and Uganda. Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy 9 (1): 34-57.
- Onditi, Francis. 2018. Multidimensionalism or militarism? A decade of experimentation in African peace support operations. African Solution (AfSol) Journal 2: 24.
- Onditi, Francis. 2018. Women’s empowerment: Reflection on Gumede’s conception of thought leadership in Africa. Journal of African Transformation, 81.
- Onditi, Francis. 2018. African national anthems: Their value system and normative potential. African Area Studies, Kyoto University.
- Onditi, Francis. 2017. The power-sharing enigma in South Sudan: Governance and policy advise to President Salva Kiir and Dr. Riek Machar. Journal of International and Global Studies 8. 2.
- Onditi, Francis & Cristina D’ Alessandro, 2017, ‘The need for “a good enough territorial and economic governance” in South Sudan’. Journal of Sustainable Development Law & Policy, Vol. 8. No. 2, pp. 1-25.: Available at: https://www.ogeesinstitute.edu.ng/volume-8-issue-2-2017.
- Onditi, Francis. 2017. Book Review: Diamond, Larry & Plattner, Mark, F (eds.). “Democracy in decline?” 2715 North Charles Street, Baltimore Maryland; Johns Hopkins University Press, 2015. +144 pages (paper). Reference. ISBN:978142142216. African Journal of Democracy & Governance, Vol. 4. Nos 1& 2: 222-225.
- Onditi, Francis. 2017. “Transformative thought leadership among women in Kenya.” The Thinker: A Pan-African Quarterly for Thought Leaders, Vol. 74, Q4, 2017. A Publication of the University of Johannesburg, South Africa.
- Onditi, Francis and Godfrey P. Okoth. 2017. Politics of African Peace Support Operation Architecture: What next post-2015 African Standby Force? African Studies 76: 4. Routledge: Available at: http://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/gdImsMEI7hi7TMeuYxMm/full.
- Nic Cheeseman, Francis Onditi & Cristina D’ Alessandro, 2017, “Introduction to the Special Issue: Women, leadership and peace in Africa.” African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review, 7 (1): 1-17: Published by Indiana University. Press: http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.2979/africonfpeacrevi.7.1.01.
- Onditi, Francis and Josephine Odera. 2017. Gender equality as a means to women empowerment? Consensus, challenges and prospects for post-2015 development agenda in Africa African Geographical Review 36.2:146-167, DOI: 10.1080/19376812.2016.1185737: Link: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/19376812.2016.1185737: Published in Association with the American Association of Geographers.
- Onditi, Francis and Godfrey P. Okoth. 2016. Civil-Military Relations and the African Standby Forces Multidimensionalism, Journal of African Conflicts and Peace Studies 3.1: 1-28. Published by the University of South Florida, U.S and University of Rwanda. Available at: http://scholarcommons.usf.edu/jacaps/vol3/iss1/3.
- Onditi, Francis, Godfrey P. Okoth and Frank K. Matanga. 2016. The Quest for a Multidimensional African Standby Force. African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review 6. 1 (Spring 2016): 69-88: Published by: Indiana University Press: DOI:10.2979/africonfpeacrevi.6.1.04.
- Onditi, Francis. 2012. Human rights violations in South Sudan: Observers: Obligation beyond borders. A Journal on Threatened Human Rights Defenders in Philippines 5.1:26-29.
- Onditi, Francis and Shadrack Kithiia. 2009. Livelihood-Conservation Scorecard Balancing: Sustainable or Dispensable? Access to Natural Resource and Policy Implications in East Africa. International Journal of Social Sciences 1.1